Ready set go!
I remember as a young person, watching the first of which proved to be many launches into space and the countdown for the astronaut to launch the space shuttle. I remember being curious at that time… what will it look like to be in a different space , where will they live while there, and when will they return.
It was interesting that I remembered that thought, after serving on the panel for Apprentice Learning on October 2, which was exhilarating! Our discussion centered around the purpose and passion of working with young people and young at heart to help them find their desired career path.
I’m appreciative to Letta Neely for asking the question “what was my first job?” This insightful question afforded me the opportunity to reflect on my middle school years, as a volunteer Candy Striper at a hospital in Oxford England and recognize all the skills (e.g. leadership, financial management, customer service and resource management) that I gleaned from that volunteer role.
Serving on The Future of Work career panel, helped encourage Young and Young at heart to recover the inner voice that can catapult them into opportunities they might not have thought possible. As panelist we shared our insights on how we deal with young people, the strategies and which we implement to create opportunities and space for young people to learn grow and thrive.
Thank you, Brenda Kirouac, PHR, SHRM and your FHL Bank team for hosting a wonderful event.
Thank you, Jean Eddy for all the contributions and insights, particularly your book on how to reshape the mind of middle schoolers is certainly a win!
Special thanks to team and the leadership at National Grid for allowing us to be trailblazers of innovation, reaching middle school, high school, college university, students and work ready adults through our suite of four clean energy Academy training and developing tomorrow’s leaders today. StrategicWorkforceDevelopment
Special thanks to Amanda C. Downey, LLM, JD, MBA , Stephanie Chery-Winder thanks for the cleanpiece of paper that provided the opportunity to create! I continue to nurture purpose and passion with within.
Apprentice Learning continue to shoot for the stars with your phone and our future leaders.
Written by Dr. Carlene Lacey, Director of Workforce Development -National Grid
We had an amazing Career Extravaganza with Dearborn STEM Academy’s 7th graders! 🎉